Sunday, July 12, 2009

Its Raining!

It is now the rainy season and Ormoc's road is always wet.
Everyday we ride our Motorcycle as our means of transportation and it is really a big problem because we get wet during the night as we off home from my work and my sons school. The Motorcycle is given to me by my father because he feels our need to have our own private transpo because we are living about ( 11) eleven kilometers away from the city and we are also like going out every now and then especially during the night and holidays.
The rain pours in almost every 5 pm where in the street is almost dark and the wind is very cold. It is okay if its weekends but how about weekdays? it is not because the streets are very wet and slippery for us to travel with our motorcycle and the wind blows colder as we approaches our residence..... But nevertheless rain is good for plants and so with the people.

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